Wednesday, January 30, 2019


Goodness gracious it is cold here in Kansas, but from what I am reading, the entire nation is suffering right along side with me. I didn't have to work today so I told my ex-husband I would take care of the little girls. I have had the best 24 hours with my children. Learning to love and laugh again is not an easy process, but it has been great for my mental health and physical well being.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Baby steps to a better future

Well, I am not completely back into the swing of writing every day, but I am taking baby steps. Baby steps to a better blog is right in lines with my baby steps to a better future on the whole. This week was the first week that I didn't take meal breaks with no food. I made my lunches and then took them to work to eat while on the clock. I am absolutely in love with the blog, Cotter Crunch.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Negative, I am a meat popsicle

Goodness, gracious it is COLD outside! Yesterday, neither my daughter nor I got hungry until nearly 11pm, but it was not hard to not want to get out and just buy dinner instead of cooking. Winter gave us a good whallop again yesterday bringing ice for several hours and then a nice layering of snow.

To battle this frigid weather, I made my daughter a hot cup of coffee and pan fried a swordfish steak to serve with pasta. While this is not gluten free, it was a far cry better than my normal go to of just ordering pizza to be delivered.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Life as I know it

Well, I see it's been about a year since I have written ... this is my new life. Life as I know it has changed. I am a single mother of a teenager that battles a lot of HARD emotional disorders and it leaves me questioning my choices each and every day. I have been working around the clock and it's affecting my ability to be a good mom, a good friend, and a good person to myself. I have lost who I once was. Now, I don't know whether that is bad or good, but I do know that there are things that have GOT to change.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Getting the Bug Back!!

Many have wondered whether I dropped off the face of the writer's planet ... and I kinda did. I lost my drive to write when my grandmother passed in 2016. I have been trying so very hard to get it back, but most of me died the day she passed. It took me a long time to process all the loss in my life. My family and I aren't close ... there is no secret there. I try to keep from airing most of my differences, but I am finally beginning to feel myself again. I have done major changes in my diet, as well as completely restructuring my circles.

Everyday I feel just a little more normal ... whatever normal is. I am starting to miss school again ... starting to miss writing ... starting to miss blogging  ... all the things that used to be "me" ...